Want to get breast augmentation in Sacramento? Are you self-conscious of your naturally small or asymmetrical breasts? Or, were you disappointed to see a change in your breast size or shape after pregnancy and nursing? If so, Dr. Donald Hause can help. Dr. Hause is a leading Sacramento breast augmentation surgeon who can improve the fullness of your breasts with implants. He has been delivering beautiful, natural-looking results for breast augmentation patients for nearly two decades. If you’re looking for “breast implants near me”, Dr. Hause is right in your area!
Why Patients Choose Dr. Hause for Their Breast Augmentation
Dr. Donald Hause is a board-certified plastic surgeon that works at one of the best plastic surgery centers in Sacramento. He has performed more than 5,000 cosmetic surgery procedures and has provided consistently stunning results for his Northern California patients. Dr. Hause is committed to using state-of-the-art techniques and providing the latest treatments, and to continued training. He has held leadership positions in prestigious medical associations, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the California Medical Association.
“Dr. Hause did a great job on my breasts. A to a full D cup, incisions look good and they look natural. Highly recommend.” – Vitals.com, Breast Augmentation Patient Review
Candidates for Breast Enhancement
Dr. Hause personally evaluates breast augmentation patients during their consultation. He does not subscribe to the trend common in other practices where consultations are done by patient coordinators. Dr. Hause believes that consultations are the time for him to thoroughly discuss and educate patients regarding their interests and goals. He will discuss all safe and effective options in detail. Suitable candidates are women who are in good general physical and psychological health; and do not have any uncontrolled medical issues (such as cardiovascular disease or an autoimmune disorder) that could compromise the surgery or healing. It’s also important that breast augmentation candidates have reasonable goals of surgery and understand the potential of this improvement.
The Breast Augmentation Consultation
During your breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Don Hause will examine your breasts, noting the amount of natural tissue and the quality of the skin. He will inquire about your goals of surgery and explain whether they are realistic. Dr. Hause will also ask you questions about your medical history and any previous surgeries to help confirm your candidacy.
If you decide to schedule your surgery, Dr. Hause will draw up a treatment plan that details how he plans to approach your case. This will include the type of implants, the incision pattern and implant placement location he plans to use. Once you have scheduled surgery, you will receive comprehensive pre-operative instructions to help you prepare for the experience.
During your consultation, or at any point during the pre-operative phase, you are encouraged to ask questions about breast augmentation and the surgical experience. Dr. Hause will take plenty of time to answer your questions and address any concerns, so you feel well informed and comfortable with what is about to take place.
Making Decisions about Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a highly personalized surgery. Together, you and Dr. Hause will plan out the procedure based on factors such as your goals, your body type and Dr. Hause’s professional opinion.
Breast Implant Types
Saline implants are made of a silicone rubber shell and are inflated at the time of surgery to the desired size with saline (.9% saltwater). If a saline implant leaks or ruptures, the body simply absorbs the water with essentially no side effects other than volume loss (some patients say that they wake up with a “flat tire”). This safety feature is one of the primary advantages of saline-filled implants. Though saline-filled implants do not feel like normal breast tissue, they are acceptable in appearance and feel for patients with adequate soft tissue (breast and muscle tissue).
Silicone implants have been deemed safe by the FDA for routine use in women at least 22 years of age (or breast reconstruction patients 18 years or older). Silicone gel is the most natural feeling and looking implant filling available and the choice of over 80 percent of patients. Silicone gel implants come pre-filled from the manufacturer and can be placed through similar incisions using the Keller Funnel technique. Also, silicone gel retains its shape better than saline. If a silicone implant leaks or ruptures, it may be totally without symptoms because the implant stays largely intact. Because of this risk, the FDA required implant manufacturers to recommend routine follow-ups with MRI scans at various intervals to detect rupture. MRIs are a potential added future cost that candidates should consider if they elect to follow those reccommendations.
Ideal implant: The newest implant to the market is the Ideal Implant. Dr. Hause was one of the original investigators for this option and has been using these in patients desiring an alternative to Gel for over ten years. Ideal Implants contain saline and also have multiple chambers inside (similar to a waveless water bed). Although they have a more natural feel than normal Saline Implants, they are not as successful as Silicone Gel for simulating a natural feel. However, they are an excellent option for those patients desiring a more natural feel and wanting to use saline rather than Silicone Gel.
The IDEAL IMPLANT, has been in clinical use for over a decade and has been approved by the FDA and their Canadian counterpart, Health Canada. Ideal Implants are only available through a limited network of board certified or select plastic surgeons.
Incision Pattern
There are three options for breast implant incision placement that can be used:
Transaxillary incision (in the armpit): Some consider placing the incision in the armpit because there is no incision or potential for scarring on the chest. However, the most critical part of breast augmentation is creation of the pocket and placement of the implant at the fold below the breast. Since the transaxillary incision is the farthest from the fold, it can be more difficult to place the implant precisely. In addition, some patients experience very noticeable scars (Hypertrophic or Keloids).
Inframammary incision (under the breast fold): Most plastic surgeons were trained to place implants through an incision under the breast fold. It is the easiest technique and can be used with all implant types. However, it leaves a visible scar that is permanent and there is minimal tissue between the Implant and the skin.
Peri-areolar incision (around the nipple): Dr Hause prefers to make the incisions around the edge of the areola (pigmented area around the nipple). This options usually heals with a nearly invisible scar ( Check out the Picture Gallery. All of them were done using this incision). Added benefits include a thicker stable amount of tissue to protect the implant and there is not difference in sensation as compared to other incisional options.
Implant Placement
Although Breast Implants were originally placed above the Breast Muscle (Pectoralis Muscle) Dr. Hause usually advises to have them placed under the muscle for several reasons. First, it improves the contour and natural shape of the upper part of the breast and prevents the “half-a-coconut-on-the-chest look.” This is critically important in the case of Saline filled implants. It also maintains a better blood supply for the breast tissue, which is always a plus. In selected patients, placing the implant above the muscle is an appropriate option.
Procedural Details
Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. Although some practices perform breast augmentation with sedation and local anesthesia, Dr. Hause believes it is a safer and more pleasant experience with general anesthesia, and can be performed more precisely while you sleep.
After the patient is safely asleep, Dr. Hause makes the appropriate surgical incision and precisely using gentle technique creates the pocket to perfectly fit the implant. In the case of saline implants, he will fill them to the desired capacity; in the case of Silicone Gel, he uses a “no-touch Keller Funnel technique.”. Once symmetry is confirmed, all layers of the breast are precisely closed.
To view results from Dr. Hause’s previous breast augmentation patients, visit our breast implants before and after photo gallery.
Recovering from Breast Augmentation
During your initial recovery, you will have bruising, swelling and soreness. These side effects will subside with time. It’s crucial that you rest your body as much as possible and refrain from any bending, lifting or strenuous activity that could cause a complication. If you experience any discomfort, take pain medication as prescribed.
Dr. Hause will see you the day after your surgery, and give you a post-operative bra to wear. This bra helps the breasts as they heal. He will see you again 7 to 10 days later to remove your sutures, and again eight weeks after surgery to make sure your implants are settling into their pockets and everything is progressing normally. He will advise when you can return to work, exercise and the rest of your normal activities.
How Much Do Breast Implants Cost?
Breast augmentation cost in Sacramento will vary depending on a number of factors, including the surgeon’s fee, the facility fees, and the type of implant used. In general, saline breast implants will cost between $5,500 and $6,500, while silicone breast implants will cost between $6,500 and $7,500. For a personal cost estimate, schedule a consultation with our experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hause.
Breast Implant Financing Options
Our office is pleased to offer CareCredit, the nation’s leading patient financing program. CareCredit allows you to finance 100 percent of your breast augmentation surgery, with no upfront costs, no annual fees and no pre-payment penalties. CareCredit makes it possible for you to schedule your surgery immediately and conveniently pay over time in low monthly installments.
Breast Augmentation FAQs
How long do I need to be off work?
The amount of time you take off work depends on several factors. Women with sedentary desk jobs typically go back to work within a week or so; physically strenuous jobs usually require additional days off. Dr. Hause can discuss your recovery schedule with you in detail during consultation.
Will the size of my breasts decrease as swelling subsides?
Initially, your breasts will probably look bigger than you expected. This is largely due to post-operative swelling around the implants, not the implants themselves. As the swelling subsides, your breasts will decrease in size. They should settle around the size that you and Dr. Hause discussed prior to surgery.
Should implants be placed under the muscle or over the muscle?
It depends. There are pros and cons to each approach. For example, placing the implant under the muscle provides more coverage (especially for women with very little existing breast tissue) and gives a more natural look; however, the recovery for that approach is a little longer and a bit more uncomfortable. Over 90% of Breast Implants are now placed under the Breast Muscle.
Can I have children after breast augmentation surgery?
Yes, many women with breast implants are able to nurse successfully. If you are planning to have children in the future, mention this to Dr. Hause during your pre-operative consultation so he can take this information into account as he plans your treatment.
How long should I wait to have capsular contracture fixed?
Capsular contracture is a complication of breast augmentation in which scar tissue forms around the implant, hardening it. Typically, treatment should be deferred until the post-operative swelling has subsided and the breast tissues have completely healed (approximately three to six months).
How long after breast augmentation can revision be performed?
If you are unhappy with the results of your breast augmentation procedure (either because of a complication or because you don’t like the size or shape of your implants), implant revision surgery is an option. Dr. Hause urges you to wait until your breasts have fully healed from surgery (at least six months) before considering revision surgery. If you are still unhappy at that point, he can discuss possible solutions.
When does swelling begin to subside?
Post-operative swelling begins to subside several weeks after surgery. It may take up to six months for the swelling to disappear completely.
How long do I have to sleep on my back after breast augmentation?
To avoid putting unwanted pressure on your new breast implants, Dr. Hause recommends you sleep on your back for two to four weeks after your operation.
When can I resume basic cardio exercises after breast augmentation?
Gentle exercise, such as walking, is permitted as soon as you feel ready and have the energy. More strenuous exercise, including jogging and cycling, should be avoided for four to six weeks. Dr. Hause can provide a more detailed timeline during your consultation.
How do I pick my implant size?
Think about your natural breasts, your lifestyle and the type of results you would like to achieve. Based on these factors, Dr. Hause will help you select a pair of implants that is appropriately sized. Dr. Hause utilizes the Canfield 3-D Breast Evaluation System to help educate you regarding choosing Breast Implant Size.
How do I decide on the incision approach to be used?
Dr. Hause will describe the incision options during your consultation and recommend the best approach based on the type and size implants you choose, as well as your anatomy.
Have more questions?
If you have additional questions about breast implants and/or breast augmentation surgery, please contact Dr. Hause today. He would be happy to meet with you for a consultation and discuss the operation in more detail.
Schedule a Breast Surgery Consultation with Dr. Hause
If you are considering breast augmentation, Dr. Hause encourages you to contact our office to schedule a consultation. Call (916) 646-6869 or send us an email today.