In the case of breasts that are too large, changes to the skin and nipple position usually occur. Conceptually, the breast reduction techniques are similar to mastopexy (breast lifts). The main difference is that in reduction, breast tissue is removed to fashion a more pleasing size and shape, and in some cases to relieve symptoms associated with increased weight of tissue on the chest. Many patients with overly large breasts suffer from back and neck pain and problems with skin rashes. Not to mention that leading a healthy and active lifestyle is nearly impossible when you have a “ball-and-chain” around your neck. Finally, there can be many social burdens with having overly large breasts.
The classic technique used in breast reduction requires a scar that resembles an “anchor.” This scar is located around the areola (pigmented part around the actual nipple), down the front of the breast and along the fold under the breast. The concept of this technique is to remove skin in such a way as to create a new skin brassiere into which the resulting tissue is placed. The result, therefore, relies upon the skin to provide the desired conical shape. In women with severe ptosis and massively enlarged breasts, anchor mastopexy reduction continues to be the preferred method.
Breast reduction is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Most patients can return to work in seven to 10 days, and to normal activity in two to three weeks. You will generally need to be seen the day following surgery, at one week and at six weeks after surgery.
Vertical Breast Reduction
In women who desire to reduce and lift their breasts isnto a more youthful position and contour, Vertical Breast Reduction may be the best option. Vertical Breast Reduction is very different than the traditional “Anchor Reduction” in that in combination with removing the extra skin and excess tissue, the breast is reshaped with internal supporting sutures that remodels the tissue into a more pleasing breast cone. The result is not determined or dependent on the overlying skin. Therefore, the scar can, may times, be limited to around the areola and down the front of the breast (lollipop). Also, since we are fashioning a new breast cone, the result can be more natural and tends to last longer, with decreased incidence of recurrence. In some patients, due to the large amount of redundant skin, a lower horizontal scar is still necessary to prevent permanent bunching up of the lower breast skin. These patients still gain the benefit of internal breast shaping and fixation.
Schedule a Breast Reduction Consultation
If you would like to learn more about your surgical breast reduction options, please schedule an informational consultation with Dr. Hause. Call (916) 646-6869 to make an appointment.