The mark of a great breast augmentation surgeon is the ability to recognize each patient’s individual goals and help her customize her treatment plan to accomplish those goals. When you choose to work with Dr. Donald Hause, you can feel confident our board-certified plastic surgeon will listen to your aesthetic desires and tailor the procedure to your needs. He will consider your unique anatomy and make recommendations as to what will look good on your body. Here are three ways to customize your breast augmentation:
1. Select Size of Silicone or Saline Implants
The first decision you will make to customize your breast augmentation surgery is to choose the implant size for silicone or saline breast implants. Breast implant size may be limited by your anatomy and other factors. During your consultation, you may try out different silicone or saline breast implant sizers to visualize results and ensure the implant size balances your body shape.
Our breast surgeon offers saline, silicone, and IDEAL breast implants for patients and can determine which type can deliver your desired look and feel. IDEAL implants contain saline and use multiple chambers to mimic the natural feel saline implants are known for, and the IDEAL implant is only available through a select network of board-certified plastic surgeons.
2. Determine Your Implant Placement
Together, we will determine where to place your breast implants. We can either place them in front of your chest muscle (a.k.a., the “sub glandular” placement) or behind your chest muscle (a.k.a., the “submuscular” placement). With the sub-glandular placement, the implants sit closer to the surface of the skin. With the submuscular placement, the implants are covered and supported by the chest muscles. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, all of which we will discuss with you. We will also consider your natural anatomy when recommending where and how to place the implants.
3. Choose Your Breast Implant Incision Site
The right incision site to place your breast implants depends on several factors, including if your breast augmentation is combined with a breast lift. The periareolar incision involves an incision in the lower portion of the areola or pigmented tissue around the nipple. The darker skin color conceals the resulting scar. A periareolar incision is often a good choice for women who have a higher risk of hypertrophic scarring or undefined inframammary folds.
The inframammary incision site is more common for breast implant placement because it allows maximum access to the pectoralis muscle and breast tissue for silicone breast implants. This incision is made in the crease or fold underneath the breast and is concealed by breast tissue, bras, and swimwear.
The transaxillary incision is made in the armpit and used to place saline breast implants, which are filled after they’re positioned in the breasts. However, the transaxillary option may make it more challenging to place the implant and lead to more noticeable scarring.
Breast augmentation is a very flexible procedure, but you need a surgeon you can trust to help guide you through the options. To learn more about what Dr. Hause at Sacramento Aesthetic Surgery can do for you, call (916) 646-6869 or fill out our online contact form.