Got a Muffin Top? What Are the Best Procedure Options?
Do you dread putting on a pair of jeans or slacks because you have excess fat that hangs over the top of them? If you can relate to the frustration of having a dreaded “muffin top,” you might benefit from undergoing cosmetic surgery with Dr. Donald Hause. Here, Dr. Hause discusses which cosmetic surgery procedure can help you improve the look of a pesky muffin top.
If you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, but still have stubborn pockets of abdominal fat that are resistant to your healthy lifestyle, you might benefit from having liposuction. Liposuction is not intended to be a tool for major weight loss. Instead, it is an effective way for individuals who are at or just slightly above their ideal bodyweight to improve the look of bothersome “problem areas,” such as a fatty waistline, or muffin top.
Tummy Tuck
If your muffin top is the result of sagging abdominal skin that has lost its elasticity and can no longer shrink back to a smaller size or shape, excess fat throughout your midsection and perhaps separated or greatly weakened abdominal muscles, you might benefit from a more extensive body contouring procedure: tummy tuck surgery.
With tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Hause first performs liposuction of the abdomen, if needed, before removing excess abdominal skin. He then repairs the underlying tissue structures to restore muscle tone throughout the area. Dr. Hause re-drapes the remaining skin over the newly contoured abdomen, pulling it taut, and closes the incision. He also adjusts the position of the belly button, so it is in line with the new, flatter and firmer abdominal profile.
Got a Muffin Top? What Are the Best Procedure Options?
Find Out Which Procedure Is Right for You
If you suffer from an unsightly muffin top, Dr. Hause can help. During consultation, he evaluates your unique physique and medical history and listens to your aesthetic concerns. Based on this information, he recommends the treatment option that will best satisfy your unique needs, so you can finally be free of that pesky muffin top.
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Hause, contact us by calling (916) 646-6869.