After Weight Loss Procedures
For those who have lost large amounts of weight, the joy of success can also come with new concerns about folds of loose skin. Plastic surgery can remove excess skin and tissue to reveal a more toned body shape. There are several procedures that you can reward yourself with after weight loss to better reveal the new body you worked so hard for. Some of the procedures we often provide for patients after dramatic weight loss include liposuction, tummy tuck, arm lift, Cellfina, Renuvion J-Plasma and Body Lift.
Lipectomy, also known as liposuction, is the most common plastic surgery procedure in the U.S. Fat deposits can be removed from a variety of body areas in healthy candidates, including the face, neck, abdomen, upper arms, hips, thighs, and buttocks. Tiny incisions are made so that blunt tubes called cannulas can be inserted to suction out fat tissue. The goal is a smoother, sleeker, and more contoured figure. Liposuction is typically an outpatient procedure, and most patients return to work within a week.
Tummy Tuck
Liposuction can treat localized fat cells but if separated abdominal muscles or lax skin are your concerns, a tummy tuck may be a more appropriate procedure. A tummy tuck is an outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia. Separated or weak muscles may be sutured into place. Excess skin, fat, and stretch marks are removed to create a flat tummy. The tummy tuck incision site is located in a position like that of a cesarean section, with a subsequent scar that is easily hidden under a bathing suit bottom.
Arm Lift
Weight changes, aging, and/or heredity factors can cause upper arm tissue to appear to sag. Exercise cannot generally correct this issue. An arm lift or brachioplasty procedure removes excess loose skin, tightening and smoothing upper arm tissue. Incisions are made down the back of the arms, with scarring visible after recovery. Sometimes liposuction is also utilized for the removal of excess deposits.
Cellfina is an effective minimally invasive treatment for cellulite on the thighs and buttocks. It’s the only FDA-approved treatment for cellulite treatment and helps create a smoother look. The treatment takes around an hour, with some soreness in the following 10-14 days but minimal recovery time.
Renuvion J-Plasma
Renuvion J-Plasma is an innovative technology used to promote collagen production with the use of only minimally invasive incisions. Areas of possible treatment include lax skin of the face or neck, upper arms, abdomen, or inner thighs. Results are significant in terms of improved loose skin. Recovery time is five to seven days.
Body Lift
Body lift surgery is becoming increasingly common after weight loss surgery. Some patients are left with lax tissues throughout the entire body after dramatic weight loss because of bariatric surgery. Body lift removes excess skin in multiple areas of the body like the buttocks, abdomen, hips, waist, arms, and thighs. The remaining skin is tightened to achieve nicer contours.
Liposuction may also be utilized to remove excess fat deposits. The procedure is like abdominoplasty except that the tissue excision extends all around the body, creating a circumferential scar. Results are dramatic and most people are comfortable with trading scars for this outcome. Recovery may require two to three weeks.
Contact Dr. Hause Today
The best way to decide which post-weight loss procedures may meet your needs is to consult with Dr. Hause. To request a consultation with him, please call (916) 646-6869 or email us today.