Tummy Tuck Myths
Formally known as an abdominoplasty, tummy tuck gives patients a flat, smooth stomach. Unfortunately, a lot of myths and misinformation surround this common surgery. Sacramento plastic surgeon Dr. Donald Hause sets the record straight in this blog post.
Exercise Replaces a Tummy Tuck
While regular exercise keeps people in good condition, for some all the working out in the world is not going to give them a flat abdomen. After pregnancy, toning muscles back to their pre-baby state is not a possibility for many women, and anyone who loses a large amount of weight cannot tone that stretched-out skin away. Do not feel you somehow failed if constant exercise has not tightened your tummy. The tummy tuck is available when exercise is not enough to remove excess skin and tissue on the abdomen.
Lose Weight with a Tummy Tuck
Possibly the biggest myth surrounds tummy tucks and weight loss. Tummy tucks are not a weight loss procedure. While the operation does remove abdominal fat and skin, these are not that dense relative to actual weight. There are plenty of good reasons to have a tummy tuck, but the expectation of dramatic weight loss is not one of them.
Tummy Tucks Are Not for Seniors
There’s no reason a healthy older person cannot undergo a tummy tuck. As we age, gravity takes its toll, and someone whose abdomen was flat well into middle age may find that is no longer the case. Older patients may require some additional screening, but if tests indicate that elective surgery is not an issue, there is no reason they cannot enjoy a flat stomach in their golden years.
Tummy Tucks Are for Women Only
While it is true that more women than men undergo tummy tucks, the number of men taking advantage of the procedure is steadily increasing. While men do not get pregnant, their stomachs sag and muscle tone is lost with age and weight gain. Men and women both want to look their best, and a trim abdomen aids appearance greatly.
Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?
Most healthy people are candidates for tummy tuck. All patients undergo pre-surgical testing. For more information and a personal consultation with Dr. Hause, contact Sacramento Aesthetic Surgery by calling (916) 646-6869 today.